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RE Program Registration

RE Saturday Sessions

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Family Masses

First Reconciliation
and First Eucharist



Dear Faith Formation Families,

Our Religious Education Catechists and Students are back for the 2024-2025 Classes. Last session our prayer partners took a bit of time to help our younger students learn their prayers - just in time for the upcoming Living Rosary on Tuesday, October 15 at 7 pm at St. Linus Church.

Religious Education registration is now CLOSED for this year. Registration for the 2025-2026 Classes will be open in July 2025.

Questions? Please contact us at 708-422-2400 ext 139 or religioused@stlinusschool.org.

Nora Hunt and Barbara Zickterman
Faith Formation Coordinators



WE BELIEVE in the Second Vatican Council's statement on formation and education: that as baptized persons are gradually introduced into a knowledge of the mystery of salvation, that they may daily grow more conscious of the gift of Faith which they have received; that they may learn to adore God the Father in spirit of truth...and that in our religious formation at Saint Linus, our children/teens will learn how to relate all human culture to the news of salvation so that the light of Faith will illuminate their knowledge of the world, of life, and of humankind.

WE BELIEVE as stated in the pastoral letter, TO TEACH AS JESUS DID, that the purpose of our catechetical ministry is to proclaim authentically and fully the message of Jesus, to foster an understanding of and build community in all areas of life, and to encourage service to each other for the good of all.

WE BELIEVE that our program should be a "true community of the faith in which the formational efforts of Catholic families are complimented, reinforced, and extended".

WE BELIEVE that you have entrusted your children to us to deepen the Faith that you as parents/guardians have given to them.

WE BELIEVE they we can do very little to help your child grow in Faith without your complete cooperation, e.g. attendance at parent meetings, celebrating the Eucharist and the Sacraments together, reinforcement of Christian values in the home.

WE BELIEVE that the goal of religious formation is to make us aware of the action of God in our lives--both within us and outside us. That religious formation is faith experience brought to understanding.

Father Mark Walter - Our Lady of the Ridge / St. Linus Parish Pastor



  • Saint Linus Office of Religious Education - 10300 S. Lawler Avenue in Oak Lawn, IL 60453
  • Tuesday and Thursday (Summer) - 9 am to 12 pm
  • Monday thru Friday (Sept - May) - 8 am to 1:30 pm



  • Call the RE / FF Office at 708-422-2400 ext 139 or by email religioused@stlinusschool.org.
  • Absentee messages anytime Day or Night at 708-422-2400 ext 139.
  • Phone number for Saturday Class Absences at Our Lady of the Ridge is 708-424-4440 - Please note that there is no voicemail at this Saturday Phone Number.



Do you feel a calling from God to become a catechist or classroom aide? - We would like you to consider serving the church by becoming a catechist or classroom aide for Our Lady of the Ridge - St. Linus Parish.

What are the qualifications you ask? - A desire to share the faith with the young members of our parish as well as grow in your own faith.

Please contact the RE / FF Office to learn more about this wonderful ministry.

Parish Office - 10300 S. Lawler Avenue - Oak Lawn, IL 60453 (p) 708-422-2400 (f) 708-422-2707 Emails... © Copyright - All Rights Reserved