The tradition of the Oplatki originated in Poland during Early Christian times. This Christmas custom began with a simple white wafer baked from flour and water. The wafers are wonderfully designed to display Christmas images, such as the Nativity.
The Oplatki are enjoyed by families, typically right before the Christmas Eve meal. The entire family will gather around the table with the Oplatki. Generally the eldest member of the family will begin the ritual of breaking off a piece of the wafer, and passing it to another family member with a blessing. The blessing can simply consist of what you desire for your loved one in the upcoming year - whether it be good health, success or happiness.
The Oplatki tradition is one that is easy and fun to introduce to the family at Christmastime. All it requires is a simple wafer paired with love and affection, and the willingness to share it. This is a heart-warming tradition that will complete your family’s time together during the Christmas season.
We will be selling Oplatki after all Masses at both sites on December 14-15
It will then be available at St. Linus Rectory during Regular Business Hours