The Ladies Guild Board members have begun working on upcoming 2016-17 events for Ladies Guild members. This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change until the calendar is set in July 2016.
August 2016
Welcome Day Table will be set up on August 18 from 4-7 pm in the Cardiff Center for school mothers to sign up for the Ladies Guild.
September 2016
Visit our Membership Table after all masses on the weekend of September 10-11.
Installation Mass at 10:30 am on September 18.
Welcome Back Meeting with motivational speaker Meg Bucaro. Meg is from Mayslake Ministries. She will be giving an inspirational talk entitled: “Heaven Help Me” on Thursday 9/29 at 7 pm.
October 2016
Tuesday October 18 Living Rosary Night 6:30 pm in the church. This is going to be an educational and enriching evening for all participants. Our committee is working to present our visitors with a wonderful living experience. If you’ve never said the rosary before in a group, or have never been to a living rosary event before, you won’t want to miss this one. We encourage all parishioners to attend, including families with children.
November 2016
Monthly Meeting followed by a fun “Un-Canvas Paint Party” in the Cardiff Center where Ladies Guild members and their friends can create whimsical wooden door hangers for the holidays using a cute holiday themed pre-cut template. All projects will be door ready when this art class ends. Date and time will be on Sunday Nov. 20th from 1-4pm.
December 2016
Sunday December 11 after 12 noon mass we are sponsoring an Our Lady of Guadalupe prayer service and reception. Guests are welcome to come to this free event. During the prayer service there will be a re-enactment with narration and a serenade by a mariachi band that will lead parishioners into the Cardiff Center. During the reception there will be an appearance from a Mexican dance company. Come and enjoy this wonderful event.
January 2017
Comedy Night in the Cardiff Center with Michael Issac headlining. He is a long time favorite at St. Linus and headlined our Comedy Night in 2016. Come see him perform on January 28 at 7:30 pm.
February 2017
February 21 at 7 pm Monthly Meeting followed by a special Lenten Season Night of Reflection hosted by Lay Ecclesial Minister Jeanne Lasandrello.
March 2017
We are hosting a Rosary Making Party on March 25 at 9 am that will coincide with the Religious Education 1st communion class retreat. Location TBD. Guests will learn how to make rosaries that will be gifted to our 1st communicants. Baked goods and refreshments will be provided by the Ladies Guild.
Our Fashion Show Chairmen have decided to hold our Spring Fashion Show at the Beverly Ridge Country Club this year, and as a result needed to change the date in order to keep the venue. Mark your calendar for Sunday afternoon on March 26 for “Buttercups in Bloom”. More details will follow very soon!
April 2017
Missed our Christmas Craft Party in November? Back by popular demand, join us for a fun “Easter Craft Party” in the Cardiff Center where Ladies Guild members and their friends can create whimsical wooden door hangers using a cute Easter themed pre-cut templates (crosses, Easter eggs, and peeps). All projects will be door ready when this art class ends. Date and time is tentatively set for Sunday April 2nd from 1-4pm but may change.
May 2017
Monthly Meeting on May 2 at 7pm with Program entitled: “Finding Time for God and Reducing Anxiety in a 24/7 Digital World” hosted by Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Michele Nowak.
Pro-life Committee Geranium Sale
Installation Mass for our new Executive Board members will be held on Monday, May 15. Time to be determined.