2017-18 Ladies Guild Board of Directors
Our installation mass was on Sunday June 25, 2017 at 10:30 am.
President: Caryn Talty
Caryn is serving as President this year after one year volunteering as the Public Relations Chairperson. She is the mother of 4 and this is her 3rd year at St. Linus parish.
Vice President: Maria Wantuck
Maria Wantuck is a mother of 4 and has been an active parishioner for many years at St. Linus. She is serving this year after two years chairing the 5K fundraiser.
Treasurer: Sofia Marin
Sofia Marin is a parishioner and St. Linus school parent who has been an active Ladies Guild member for years. She works in the banking industry. We are very excited to have her join us.
Secretary: Sheilah O’Grady-Krajniak
Sheilah is an attorney and she and her husband Ken have a son in 6th grade at St. Linus School.
Leadership Commission: Jane Kokaska
Jane Kokaska is a former President and served two terms as Vice President for the Ladies Guild.
Spirituality Commission: Patricia Treto
Patricia and her husband have a daughter at Marist and a son in 6th grade at St. Linus School.
Service Commission: Dana Pyzik
Dana Pyzik and her husband Tommy are long time parishioners of St. Linus Parish. Dana works part time at the rectory and facilitates the Young Vincentians with Dick Kress. She is an active member of St. Vincent de Paul.