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Archdiocese of Chicago

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Here is Mrs. Kelly’s 1st Grade Class playing “Musical Books” during Library.
The students walked around the chairs until the music stopped and then they had to sit,
pick up the book and read until the music started again.

Here is Mrs. Revis’ Room using the new headphones we received from FTC.
They are using them with their Ipads and working on iReady during Library! Thank you FTC!

Here is Lucas Suarez and Carmello Kelly from
Ms. Anderson’s 2nd Grade Class working on a science experiment.

The students in Ms. Anderson's class are learning about plants in Science.
Recently they explored a variety of vegetables and
had to identify the part we eat as either the roots, stem, leaves, flower, fruit or seeds.

What a great day at the South Side Irish Parade!
St. Linus had a great turn out for the parade.
Our students and their families braved the cold to show off and promote our wonderful school.

Eighth Grade did a lab where they tested different mixtures
to see if they were acidic or basic or neutral.

They used blue and red litmus paper as an indicator to determine our results.
The kids had a good time.

Congratulations to our 5th Grade Boys Basketball Team
who took 1st Place in the South Suburban League.

Great job 5th Grade Hawks!

Our 6th Grade Scientists worked on a lab about
surface currents and deep currents in the oceans!

is Room 24 working as a team!

Our weekly Stations of the Cross was presented beautifully by our 7th Grade classes.
Every Friday that we are in school during Lent
our students take part in the Stations of the Cross at 2PM.

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Boys and Coaches on an outstanding season.
Runner-Up in the SCC conference and semi-finalist South-suburban.
Congratulations Hawks!

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