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From the Desk of Father Mark - Our Pastor
July 28, 2024
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining,
and also as much of the fish as they wanted.”

We leave the Gospel of Mark for the next few weeks and turn to the Gospel of John. The passages from John will focus on Jesus as the Bread of Life. For Catholics, the connection to the Sacrament of Eucharist is obvious. The passage of today’s Gospel is considered one the miracle stories upon which John reveals the Divine nature of Jesus. The first miracle story was ‘the wedding at Cana’ whereupon Jesus turns water into wine.

The intention of Jesus is to assure his followers that in following Him, all their needs will be met, especially their spiritual needs. In the passage above, we observe a formula used at Mass and intended for life. Jesus takes, gives thanks, (miracle occurs) and distributed.

Taking what God provides or accepting what God provides is the beginning of our vocation in life. Rejecting or not acknowledging denies the plan God has in store for us, the sheep of His flock.

Giving thanks, or thankfulness is critical. We are all the recipients of grace and blessing. Failure to recognize our blessings can create despair about life. Acknowledging and appreciating our blessings offers hope even in difficult times.

Taking and giving thanks provides the opportunity for good things to occur, or miracles. Realizing the miracles, often in the smallest of ways, can create a big difference, like faith the size of a mustard seed.

Distributing the miracles God provides allows the miracle of God to grow in our life and the life of others. Like the wine at Cana, it was intended to be shared, not stored.

Through the upcoming weeks, as we reflect on Jesus as the Bread of Life, we can take the opportunity to consider all the many ways God feeds and sustains us. We are called to take, give thanks and distribute. We are invited to the Eucharist to receive the Bread of Life, the source of our salvation.

Have a great week!

Fr. Mark Walter
Pastor of Our Lady of the Ridge - St.Linus Parish

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